She just wanted you to know your government was lying to you.

Reality Winner, a brilliant young misfit from a Texas border town, found her morals challenged while serving as an NSA contractor. She showed America the proof that Russia hacked into our voter data right before the 2016 election, and certain government officials knew about it, but denied it ever happened. For calling that B.S. she was sent to prison for 5 years.
Don’t know where to start? Here are some ways to speak out
While some politicians try to divide us and avoid facing reality, we are all speaking up every day about what’s broken and the steps we need to take together to make our communities better. The reality is that if we want anything to improve, we must speak up when it matters—in our lives, our communities, and our country.
Gen Z, and young people, in particular, are leading the charge by raising their voices for change. But it’s not just the younger generation; older action-takers are also stepping up and demanding better. Our democracy is far from perfect, but it requires all of us to get involved and push for the progress we want to see.